Show/Hide Footnotes[1]This very complicated station is one of the strangest and most twisted stations in the whole system. It is really four separate stations that are connected by passageways. The first station is the Canal Street station on the BMT Broadway line. At the north end of that station, the express tracks split off and go east under Canal to the Manhattan Bridge. The second station is what was originally the Broadway Station on the Manhattan Bridge branch line. This station runs perpendicular to the last two stations of the complex under Lafayette and Centre. The third station is Canal Street on the IRT East Side Line, and the fourth station is Canal Street on the BMT Nassau Street Line. The Broadway express service (Q) heads over the Manhattan Bridge, and after Prince Street the Broadway local N service switches to the express tracks to head over the Manhattan Bridge also. The Broadway local R service continues south on Broadway then through the Montague Street Tunnel. So, at this station, the ever-confusing Broadway sevices mix themselves up, with a local train and an express train stopping at one set of platforms, while the other local service stops in a whole different part of the station. Then of course in Brooklyn they mix themselves up again, with N the express service on the BMT Fourth Avenue Line, and R the local service on that line, while the Q heads down the BMT Brighton Line with the D service. [2]Chaining BMT B is tied to BMT A, which starts at 57th Street/Seventh Avenue, and ends here at the lower level of this station complex (the Canal Street (Broadway) station), where the tracks split off from the Broadway line and head over the south tracks of the Manhattan Bridge. (Bizarrely, the BMT A picks up again at the midpoint of the north tracks of the Manhattan Bridge and heads south over Manhattan Bridge down the BMT Brighton Line to Coney Island.) [3]Chaining BMT H is tied to BMT A at this point, continues over the south tracks of the Manhattan Bridge, and ends at ends at DeKalb Avenue in Brooklyn.